On my journey to taking over the block - I'm starting with the first part of the estate at the moment; establishing myself as a radio broadcaster & a journalist - its become frankly obvious that as I achieve something I become more broke. Now I'm not money oriented at all - but everyone has their limits.
In this sticky time where I've finished uni (and student loan) for the summer, stopped the office gig - i.e., regular income - 3 months ago, I've been focusing on placing my fingers in as many pies as I can & I've been having fun doing it. BUT I'M BROKE.

Just this week I BEGGED the ATM machine to give me a tenner and it made a noise that sounded suspiciously like hysterical laughter before spitting the card back at me more fervently than a cash machine ever has.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm happy just to be making moves in the right direction. And yes, I swell with pride (yeah, that's pride, not water retention) when someone is "impressed" by my progress or someone tells me they heard me on BBC or wherever.
But damn, anyone thinking of getting into this industry for money might as well quit thinking and go look for a "real" job - because even working for FREE is as competitive as hell! There is money in the industry - obviously, but its wayy far up the hierarchy - and while I'm trekking up from the bottom sometimes I forget.
So now I'm missing the freedom that having money to cover my essentials comfortably brings in good old London. I'm scrimping together change - too proud to beg, and loathe to borrow - to travel around London's teefing transit system, wondering how far a fiver a day will get me up West (not very far - my beloved cashew nuts are £2 up there!) This portfolio working shit isn't a joke. Roll on 7th July when TT starts full-time, paid work!
I was trying to find a song to fit in with this post, but I didn't - I found this adorable Sims video to Missy Elliott's tune Take Away. I love the Sims; if I weren't busy I'd totally still be a Sims addict.
Tahi-beg yuh a fivah-Rah x
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