Dear Raz B,
I have.. well ummm... 10 comments/questions about your new so called video
1) It was hella corny and low budget
2) My boys make better music videos with their handy cams
3) Why does the song sound so familiar?
4) Why was there a blend of two shots? One with a silhouette, did that look good in the editing suite?
5) I thought you were gay, why do you have a leading lady don’t front...
6) Is that peanut butter your eating off of her nose?
7) Why was your leading lady the director and the producer?(well I guess it is a recession, nevermind I answered that question myself)
8) Book you for a show? Umm like what kinda show, not singing right?
9) PLEASE get back with B2K, or QUIT
10) Michael Jackson is finally in a better place where people aren’t making fun of him, why must you disgrace his name with your "dance" moves?
But I’m just saying...
An old B2K fan
1 day ago
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