The Block,The World Is My Block,Great Blogs,Blogging
Monday, 9 November 2009

Lady V's World: Woah, hello!

Posted by Lady V

I go away for the weekend, come back and my yard has been refurbed - loves it! Has Changing Rooms been in town? More like Extreme Makeover Home as the block has expanded, now I have my own 'world', thanks Momma Tahirah, ooh I feel so grown up and 'ahem' POWERFUL! Haha!

So updates on my weekend... Well, the block fammo represented at the Bigga Bonfire Bash that took place on Saturday 7th November at the Roundhouse, Camden. Even though it was under-18s (made me feel a tad grandmere-ish) it was still a good night. With the best of funky and grime showing up, it seems that everyone who's anyone in the London thang came to show their support.

As always, Bashy got the girls screaming - although I rate him, he doesn't have to do much else but stand there and smile to get the crowd going nuts. Girls got into fisticuffs over his jumper which he threw into the crowd...oh dear little ones, I remember it was Another Level for me back in the days, so I understand such excitement. Egypt reminded us just how to work the LBD, looking very glammed up, and united both boys and girls who were singing along to 'In The Morning'. Donaeo brought the show to a fab close, delivering all you'd expect from him and much more! So really, if you weren't there, you missed out big time - a wicked start to a hot Saturday night out (oh yes, us over 18s carried on partying after!)

But the highlight of the night for me, is the main reason why I'm blogging. Ghetts came on stage and start barking his verses in his usual skitzing out manner (I know he doesn't mean to, but he really just looks like a very angry rottweiler - I love it though!) and then HELLO, Devlin appeared - me oh my! Firstly, he's a chav, secondly an ESSEX CHAV - I do believe my ideal man! Of course he's a pretty darn good mc too, go on Devlin dropping the Wiley cusses - he ain't scurred of nothing and that is very sexy!
Oh and to finish off the trio, Griminal came out too...but once Nee Nee has finished drooling, I'll let her blog about his presence on the night (I'm sure she'll be able to describe it in no less than 500 words).
So after their set, I jumped straight into press mode; found my target (Devlin), started caressing his ego slightly ('you're great, yada yada, drool drool') and then grabbed him for a quick snapshot....

Yes ladies, for that split second I had to concentrate hard and remind myself to keep breathing, but oh I'm so proud!
I've got a silly girl thing crush and not ashamed to admit it! Devlin, I'm coming to get you (in my Davina voice of course) ;)