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Thursday, 5 November 2009

Jamelia on Never Mind The Buzzcocks

Posted by Lady V

To be honest, I hardly have time to watch Tv (you know I'm too busy schmoozing yup!?) but I always have time to watch Never Mind The Buzzcocks - a music quiz which mainly involves banter between 2 teams of celebs, poking fun at each other and popular music culture. Now in it's 23rd series, it still provides endless, usually outrageous jokes, and definitely considered one of the highlights of British Tv.

Everyone was getting excited about last week's episode with Calvin Harris going head to head with Tinchy Strider (well, kinda, I guess Calvin was crouching a little) particularly after their little Twitter spat (really, it was so minor I can't be bothered to go into it!) But the BEST episode so far, aired last night Wednesday 4th November. Jamelia, who again I won't lie, I never really cared for much in terms of musical talent and her voice sounds like she has a constant cold (miaow!) - well, she now deserves a big pat on the back for being so darn entertaining!

Jamelia was the star of this week's Never Mind the Buzzcocks, providing endless jokes from start to finish. I'm not going to beat around the bush, what's too funny is she comes across so dim - issues with basic Geography, criticising a film she's still working on, and just generally having problems with me in a hysterics, you've got to take a look.

Amongst all this 'blondness' (it's ok, I'm blonde so allow the stereotype) the best moment by far is when Maxwell D comes on (formally of Pay As You Go Cartel, early 00s grime crew) and Jamelia has a 'surprise surprise' moment as she is faced with an ex-kiss-and-tell. But the lady done good, and quite unexpectedly doesn't waste any time and goes in hard with the insults - in possibly the most painful of ways by dropping them so casually and nonchalant. For a second she makes you doubt your initial opinion of her. With a sharp tongue, Jamelia represented, standing up for herself in a very refreshingly girl power manner...all I wanted to do was run up to Maxwell D with a coat and shelter the little one from such intelligent abuse, or maybe just push him a bit closer so she could get a slap in there too.

Big up Jamelia for proving she has balls and providing a beautiful moment of pure television seems she's not a ditzy lady after all!