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Friday, 23 May 2008

Things That Make Me Happy: Pt 2

Posted by Tahirah

Progressive People

Have you ever waited for a bus for ages, then bent down to tie your shoes, and when you get back up again you see the very bus you'd been waiting for speed past the bus stop with no intentions of stopping? Metophorically, I felt like that happened to me today, as I felt that I'd missed out on a couple of really good opportunities. So I was a bit sad. And at past-one in the AM, I realised I needed someone, or something to muse me. Unfortunately, I'd worn out the ears of my main confidants for the night, and even if I was prepared to disturb anyone with a late night phone call, I knew I couldn't explain the importance of something that would seem outwardly insignificant.

So I needed to feel a bit of upliftment. I dug deep into the cluttered attic of my mind and felt I had a bit of an epiphany when I realised how good progressive people make me feel.

Yes my brain is BLATANTLY cluttered with seedcorn...

Recently, I've been meeting a lot of them in many different shapes and forms, but most recently (in the last week) I was particularly affected by three progressive people.

The first one being my good friend, Pins. Now, to be fair, I've known him for nearing a year, and I met him fully aware that, as part of super-duper-talented creative collective Ugly Kids Club he was in the business of "beautification".

But I got the opportunity to delve into the cervices of his creative mind when he let me in on some concepts he's currently exploring. & I was humbled to realise that I was in the presence of a creative genius. Kind of similarly to me, Pins is about to embark on a refreshing new journey in his career that will only be defined, or even limited, by himself. I found his abundance of ideas progressive because we mused each other a little - I was determined to make him think even further out of the box and his enthusiam inspired me.

The next is my cousin Kelly. Known to her peers as Bougie, I had to find inspiration in Kelly otherwise I'd be lime-green with jealousy! Born in Essex, but bred (since her pre-teens) in Ontario, Canada, 19-year-old Kelly has been determined to make her stamp on the creative industries, in everything from TV to events production. At only 16 she landed a job with Rogers - one of the biggest broadcast/media outlets in Canada - producing pieces for TVs. She regularly organises events, from all ages bashment raves to BBQs, in her hometown of Missassauga and has recently recieved clarence on her biggest events project yet. I'm not going to say too much about it until she gets everything in place - no need to jinx a good thing. But I will say that I've adopted her company DRB's slogan: "On a suicide mission to Success - Succeed or DIE!"

The last, but most significant, is Geoff Schumann. Well known broadcaster and comedian, he's been in the industry for several years. Last week I had the pleasure of attending a training session facilitated by him. I learnt a few things about Geoff. I learnt that he is BOASY BOASY (thats very-confident to non-Caribbeans) and some could easily find him 'nuff' (too much). They don't call great presenters PERSONALITIES for no reason. I learnt that Geoff is brutally honest, and inciteful, and I left feeling like I knew - and could get to know - a hell of a lot more about the radio industry just from talking to him. And I learnt that Geoff is caring; in a cut-throat business he is actually passionate about launching the careers of young/fresh talent.

The reason why Geoff was most significantly progressive for me in this instance is because I feel that Mr Schumann's influence would help ME progress, by pushing me to produce the best radio I possibly could.

If you didn't know, Geoff will soon become a fixture on Life FM's new schedule (for those who are behind with the times, Life FM is Brent's ONLY community radio station, and it's big in the game, ya dig?) so make sure you lock in.

So YES I still feel like I missed that bus...but by thinking about just three progressive people I know that there is one not far behind, and if its too packed or its terminating early, I'll find a better alternative - such as walking, or skating to my destination.

Tahirah xx