It's pouring down in London town, the sky is a horrible never-ending blanket of grey, I was a loser and missed an important appointment this morning as I didn't want to leave my snuggly bed and I've got a weekend of boring shop assistant work ahead of me...cue an SATC session. I think I'm speaking on behalf of most ladies, when things get grim, whether your boyfriend just dumped you, the office is longing you out or it's that P-to-tha-izz-a (Sing along to Jay-Z's H-to-tha-Izzo) time of the month, a dose of Sex and The City, cuppa tea and big bar of choc fixes everything! To be honest, that's exactly what I feel like doing this afternoon, and I might just have a 'and what?!' day and allow everyone and everything to have some time with Carrie and the girls, get distracted in their men dramas, ogle over Carrie's beautiful outfits and have a girl power moment where for a second I can convince myself that I too can be outrageous as Samantha and I might just chat up the dude at Starbucks down my road by asking him something dirty. Yes, for me Sex and the City provides a perfect getaway moment, at those times when jumping on a private jet to the Carribean is just not possible (basically, ALL the time).
4 days ago
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