So many things that = total wholemeal parrage happened yesterday & today.
Par 1: Somerset House's security trying to par my official BANG Radio photographer.

Par 3: The UK artists who are becoming divas and refusing interviews & press for rediculous reasons.
Par 4: The corner shop in North Greenwich Station not having batteries on sale.
Par 5: Having VIP tickets and not seeing more than 10 minutes of the Ne-Yo concert.
Par 6: HEARING the concert from backstage.
Par 7: Ne-Yo's mean ol' security guard who wouldn't let us go from backstage to the main concert hall even though we were in possession of tickets...major parrage! (do most security guards need a hug?...or a kick in the delicates? I haven't decided yet.)
Par 8: Hearing people talk about how great the MJ tribute was in Ne-Yo's performance when I was in the toilet.
Par 9: Windows Movie Maker turning all my video footage BLACK.
Par 10: Me finishing the video edit at 9am...but due to Windows Movie Maker parring my life with technical difficulties - me having to re-edit and it not being ready until 4pm.
So with all those pars happening in my life I had to teach Miss Keri Hilson the word par - if you hear it in her next tune you'll know where she got it from.
[N.B., if you don't know what a PAR is...well, perhaps you should have figured it out by the end of this post - but if you haven't, watch out for the Keri Hilson interview coming up later today]
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