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Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Bajan Lime: Crop Over 2009

Posted by bajantamz

"Crop Over": Is to Barbados as Carnival is to Trinidad, it marks de end of de crop season and is a time fuh celebration, music, food, drinks and nuff pork... oh and we cyan fuhget, nuff wukking up!!


Bajantube Top 20 Crop Over 2009 songs (Updated 27 Jun)

Bajantube Roadmarch Watch:

My recommended top five are:

01. Stabby - Major Stabby Pain
02. Barry Chandler, Bruce Wayne & Ramsees - Dismantle
03. Pong - Wood
04. Edwin Yearwood - In De Middle Ah De Road
05. Kid Site - He Shouldn't Hit RiRi

To listen to these songs and many more visit: and click "Music"

All ah de socaholics where demmmmm.... haha my name is bajantamz and i am a socaholic


Amal Omari Johnson said...

Hey Tahirah! Its Amal I hope you get this.I lost My phone with all my contacts in it, I tried to email you but Its not sending for some reason! But yeah I am Now free for the Entire summer till semptember... so do holler at me ;) I hope the offer is still available. x chao for now

Unknown said...

Hey Amal, how are you hun? hahaha my phone committed suicide so I lost all my numbers too - what a pair we are, huh? Offer's definitely still open - just trying to figure out how to give you my email address/number without posting it as a comment! Try and email me again see if it'll work so I can get back in touch with you.

Amal said...

Loool haha.. Nope It's still not working for some reason. I just get an instant message saying email failed?? I dont know? lol erm ill give you my email, dout anyone will bother emailing me lol
There you Hun..x