The Block,The World Is My Block,Great Blogs,Blogging
Saturday, 2 May 2009

21 Days Later

Posted by Tahirah

In the 21 days that I've been away from The Block, a lot has happened! Here are just a few of the things that have gone down...

Coursework deadlines & exam dates are NIGH for thousands of university students up and down the country and millions across the wider Block (worldwide). So many of us look like THIS right now:
I'm not exactly there yet but I'm pretty close.

All the prep & the hard work has paid off & now NO PASSPORT NECESSARY is only 2 days away...don't act like I haven't TOLD YOU - but if you don't remember and you haven't got your tickets yet, there is still time - Bank Holiday Monday, £15 on the door OR £10+BF in advance if you quote '146'. CLICK HERE to book & for more info.

Ms Dynamite brought a whole new audience to Hell's Kitchen during her April appearance on the show - while she didn't win, she got to the final 4 contestants:
I'm waiting to see if Ms D's appearance (which endeared many people to her) will be a little bit of a catalyst to launching her back into mainstream - think Alesha Dixon on that dancing show, but on a smaller scale... I hope so because her new material is

The latest worldwide scare is SWINE FLU:
So I have my own thoughts on this pending pandemic, but I'll admit it, the sensationalist headlines got me for half-a-second, when the paper I collected out side of the tube station I was about to patronise said "TUBE USERS AT GREATEST RISK OF CATCHING SWINE FLU". Side note - I wonder how long it'll take for rappers to start referencing Swine Flu in their raps?