The Block,The World Is My Block,Great Blogs,Blogging
Friday, 1 January 2010

Top 5 Entertainment Events of 2009...that we didn't blog

Posted by Tahirah

You know the Block likes to keep you in the loop with what's going down. The residents let you know what tunes are blazing, what videos are fresh and what's happening on the streets. However, there were some key events that MURDERED blogsphere but barely received a mention on the Block over the last 12 months. This is mainly because everybody else was hammering it to death, so we kept the Block a "bait-gossip" free zone. Here's a quick recap of the stuff that didn't make the Block but hit almost every other website and blog in site in 2009.

Obama Inaugaration

Never get it twisted, this was an entertainment moment. Yes, I blogged about the impact of the first Black president, but I never blogged about the spectacle that was the Inauguration and following parties (including Beyonce singing At Last...without Etta James approval).

The Chrihanna Gate

From the beating in February, to the "tell all interviews", rivaling PR...*snore*

Jay-Z Everything

Last year it was the other Carter who dominated our TVs, radios and internet sites, but this year Jay-Z made sure he affirmed his position as Hip Hop royalty. From causing the Death of Autotune (apparently...some people still haven't got the memo) to releasing Blueprint 3 (one of the best pop Hip Hop albums of this year) and supposedly selling out shows over here in 15 seconds and setting Illuminati conspiracy theorists tongues wagging; Jay-Z made it clear he "runs this town" [what's an end of year wrap-up without some corny lines?]

The VMA Awards

"I'mma letchu finish but..." The VMA Awards 2009 was the best award show this year...BEST AWARD SHOW OF THIS YEAR! It was so bizarre! Lady Gaga murdering herself on stage, the whole Kanye West/Taylor Swift/Beyonce situation...which ** random theory alert ** I'm sure was planned! 'Poor little Taylor' has been catapulted into the limelight! And of course, my favourite bit; Lil Mama gatecrashing Jay-Z and Alicia Keys' set.

Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods going for the "18th hole" (yeah, had to get a crude joke in there too). December has seen the blogs rife with details of the Tiger Woods' infidelity saga. Personally I know too much of the nitty gritty because I don't care if the golfer has cheated, and I still don't really see how it diminishes his character enough for him to have to quit golf, but I MUST admit there has been some prize moments from the whole thing - like THIS voicemail:

Honorable mentions

Vibe Magazine closing down (it's since relaunched, however, J doubt it'll ever be what it once was)

The OTHER celebrity deaths of 2009 - Patrick Swayze, Farrah Fawcett, Jade Goody, Stephen Gately and soap stars Wendy Richard (Eastender's Pauline Fowler) and Maggie Jones (Coronation Street's Blanche)

"Sugababes" version 3.0 ...the "Sugababes" with no...erm...Sugababes left in there.